Time Tracker with Screenshots

Track Time with Screenshots

See the work process of your employees with screenshots. Choose from different screenshot modes for different levels of transparency. Employee screenshot monitoring enables you to see what each employee is working on at any time.

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Employees tracking time with screenshots

Time Tracking with Automated Screenshot Captures

Monitor work process in real time with screenshots and activity level tracking.

Track working hours with screenshots

Record the activity level of employees

Monitor app & web usage during work

Work Monitoring with Automated Screenshots

Monitor Work Progress with Automated Screenshots

While your employees are working, the time tracker takes screenshots of their screen automatically. Along with employee screenshot monitoring, you can also see: activity level percentage, the number of mouse clicks, scrolls, and keystrokes, time zone, OS type, IP address.

activity level percentage

the number of mouse clicks, scrolls, and keystrokes

time zone

OS type

IP address

Discover Screenshot Modes for All Cases

Employee screenshot monitoring gives you complete control over the level of work transparency. See what your employees are working on in detail, use blurred screenshots, or turn them off to maintain privacy.

Efficient time tracking through customizable screenshot modes

Screenshot Mode

Use the Screenshot Mode to get screenshots of your employees’ screens at the frequency you set. You can select to get from one to ten screenshots in a 10-minute interval.

Background mode for seamless screenshot capture

Background Mode

When the Screenshot or Blurred Mode is on, employees will be notified each time a screenshot is taken. With the background mode on, screenshots will be taken without notifying and disturbing them.

Balancing privacy and proof of work with blurred screenshots

Blurred Mode

Select the Blurred Screenshot Mode if you want to have proof of work while maintaining privacy. This mode is ideal for ensuring some level of trust among you and your team members.

Screen capture disabled with No-Screenshot Mode

No-Screenshot Mode

For projects, tasks, and cases that do not require proof of work, you can use the No- Screenshot Mode. The time tracker can still monitor activity levels and app & web usage unless turned off.

Time Editing

WebWork enables you and your employees to add and edit time manually. In case they forget to start the tracker or are working away from their device, they can request time addition or add it themselves. You can give them permission to add time without requesting, or approve and reject their requests manually.

Employee time management with manual time editing

Explore More Features for Elevated Experience

Track time with screenshots, monitor employee activity levels at work, get attendance reports, and more.

Attendance Monitoring

View the start and end times of each employee to identify who leaves early and who arrives late.

Go to Attendance Monitoring
Time tracking with screenshot-based attendance monitoring
Employee activity level tracking

Activity Level Monitoring

Monitor the activity level of each employee during work hours based on keyboard and mouse usage.

Go to Activity Level Monitoring

App & Web Usage Monitoring

See the apps & websites visited by each employee as a productivity metric.

Go to App & Web Monitoring
Tracking app and web usage


What are the benefits of using time tracking software with screenshots?

A time tracking tool with screenshots provides detailed insights into the work process of employees. It also provides transparency into the progress of projects at all stages.

Who has access to screenshots?

The Workspace Owner and Executive Manager have access to the screenshots of all workspace members. Other roles, such as Project Managers and Team Managers can also access the screenshots of employees in the scope of their project and team. Employees can access only their own screenshots if given permission. Project Viewers can also view the screenshots in the scope of the projects assigned to them if given permission.

Where are screenshots stored?

Screenshots are stored on Amazon S3 cloud and can be kept from 3 months to 1 year, depending on the pricing plan.

Does deleting screenshots delete activity level as well?

There are two ways to delete a screenshot. If you click Delete, the screenshots will be deleted along with the tracked activity data for that period. But if you click Delete screenshot only, the activity level for that period will not be deleted.

Track Time with Screenshots for Enhanced Remote Performance

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