Member Types

Member Types

WebWork Time Tracker gives the flexibility to structure your team based on your needs by including several member types. You can give different permissions to each of them and make sure that your team is set up with your own specifications.

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Member Types | WebWork Tracker

Employee-Friendly Tool

Five Member Types

Owner is the one who builds the team and has control over the entire organization. He/she sets the working schedule, the hourly rate and the screenshot mode for each contract. Only the Owner is able to invite a project viewer to observe the team work. Owner permissions are the following:

People and Workspace

  • Invite new members
  • Delete/block members
  • Build teams and assign titles to each member
  • Invite project viewers and manage their permissions on the project
  • Manage financial access for each member and project viewer
  • Assign/change roles/groups to members
  • Set up Attendance settings
  • Set up Tracking settings (Extension, Web Tracker)
  • Set up permissions for Desktop Tracker
  • Set up Integrations

Contracts and Reports

  • Create/delete projects
  • Assign contracts to team members
  • Edit, pause, delete contracts
  • Set an hourly rate for contracts
  • Set the screenshot mode for contracts
  • Change Productivity settings
  • View all Reports and Statistics
  • Export Reports
  • Generate Invoices
  • Confirm/decline Manual Time requests


  • Create/delete tasks
  • Assign tasks to team members
  • Add more description to the task
  • Attach files
  • Add comments
  • Categorize tasks according to priority

The Executive Manager has access to all information regarding team members, projects and reports. If the Owner gives access, the Executive Manager can also view the team’s financial information, like rates of the contracts, amount reports and invoices. Otherwise financial information will be visible only to the Owner. Executive Manager has the following permissions.

People and Workspace

  • Invite members
  • Create teams and titles
  • Delete/block members
  • Assign/change roles/groups to members (except the Owner’s)
  • Manage financial information for each member (if the Owner gives access)
  • Manage Productivity settings

Contracts and Reports

  • Create/delete projects
  • Assign contracts to team members
  • Edit, pause, delete contratcs (if the Owner gives access)
  • Set/edit the screenshot mode for contracts
  • View all Reports and Statistics
  • Export Reports
  • Generate invoices (if the Owner gives access)
  • Approve/decline Manual Time requests


  • Create/delete tasks
  • Assign tasks to members
  • Add more description to the task
  • Attach files/add comments
  • Categorize tasks according to priority

Project Manager is the one who manages only one or few projects and has limited access to team members and projects. The Owner or the Executive Manager need to mark which projects are managed by him/her. If a Project manager has contracts in the project where he/she isn’t a manager, he/she will have an employee role for those. Project Manager will be able to see only those team members who have contracts in the projects. Project Manager has the following permissions for marked projects:

Contracts and Reports

  • Edit/Pause contracts
  • View/export Reports and Statistics of projects where he/she is a manager
  • Generate Invoices (if the Owner gives access)
  • Approve Manual Time requests


  • Create tasks
  • Mark tasks as done
  • Add more description to the task
  • Attach files
  • Add comments
  • Distribute tasks accordingly

Each Employee has access to their own Reports and Statistics data and can see the members who are involved in the same project. Employee can:

Contracts and Reports

  • See the team members of the workspace who’s included in the same projects
  • View his/her screenshots and reports
  • Delete his/her screenshots if the Owner gives permission in the settings
  • Set a restriction so that the Owner cannot delete his/her screenshots

Project viewers have limited access. They are not able to make any changes and can only view the data of the projects that they’re given access to. To invite an unlimited number of Project Viewers, you need to be on the Plus and Premium plans. On the Pro plan, you can invite only one Project Viewer. Project viewers can view the following:

Contracts and Reports

  • Reports of the projects he/she is assigned to
  • Screenshots of the projects he/she is assigned to
  • Members and projects he/she is assigned to

Real-time data

Online Reports

Owner is the one who builds the team and has control over the entire organization. He/she sets the working schedule, the hourly rate and the screenshot mode for each contract. Only the Owner is able to invite a project viewer to observe the team work. Owner permissions are the following:
Left Arrow

People and Workspace

  • Invite new members
  • Delete/block members
  • Build teams and assign titles to each member
  • Invite project viewers and manage their permissions on the project
  • Manage financial access for each member and project viewer
  • Assign/change roles/groups to members
  • Set up Attendance settings
  • Set up Tracking settings (Extension, Web Tracker)
  • Set up permissions for Desktop Tracker
  • Set up Integrations

Contracts and Reports

  • Create/delete projects
  • Assign contracts to team members
  • Edit, pause, delete contracts
  • Set an hourly rate for contracts
  • Set the screenshot mode for contracts
  • Change Productivity settings
  • View all Reports and Statistics
  • Export Reports
  • Generate Invoices
  • Confirm/decline Manual Time requests


  • Create/delete tasks
  • Assign tasks to team members
  • Add more description to the task
  • Attach files
  • Add comments
  • Categorize tasks according to priority
Right Arrow
The Executive Manager has access to all information regarding team members, projects and reports. If the Owner gives access, the Executive Manager can also view the team’s financial information, like rates of the contracts, amount reports and invoices. Otherwise financial information will be visible only to the Owner. Executive Manager has the following permissions.
Left Arrow

People and Workspace

  • Invite members
  • Create teams and titles
  • Delete/block members
  • Assign/change roles/groups to members (except the Owner’s)
  • Manage financial information for each member (if the Owner gives access)
  • Manage Productivity settings

Contracts and Reports

  • Create/delete projects
  • Assign contracts to team members
  • Edit, pause, delete contratcs (if the Owner gives access)
  • Set/edit the screenshot mode for contracts
  • View all Reports and Statistics
  • Export Reports
  • Generate invoices (if the Owner gives access)
  • Approve/decline Manual Time requests


  • Create/delete tasks
  • Assign tasks to members
  • Add more description to the task
  • Attach files/add comments
  • Categorize tasks according to priority
Right Arrow
Project Manager is the one who manages only one or few projects and has limited access to team members and projects. The Owner or the Executive Manager need to mark which projects are managed by him/her. If a Project manager has contracts in the project where he/she isn’t a manager, he/she will have an employee role for those. Project Manager will be able to see only those team members who have contracts in the projects. Project Manager has the following permissions for marked projects:
Left Arrow

People and Workspace

  • Edit/Pause contracts
  • View/export Reports and Statistics of projects where he/she is a manager
  • Generate Invoices (if the Owner gives access)
  • Approve Manual Time requests


  • Create tasks
  • Mark tasks as done
  • Add more description to the task
  • Attach files
  • Add comments
  • Distribute tasks accordingly
Right Arrow
Each Employee has access to their own Reports and Statistics data and can see the members who are involved in the same project. Employee can:

Contracts and Reports

  • See the team members of the workspace who’s included in the same projects
  • View his/her screenshots and reports
  • Delete his/her screenshots if the Owner gives permission in the settings
  • Set a restriction so that the Owner cannot delete his/her screenshots
Project viewers have limited access. They are not able to make any changes and can only view the data of the projects that they’re given access to. As project viewers are not listed as a member of the team, the owner can invite an unlimited number of project viewers without additional charges. Project viewers can view the following:

Contracts and Reports

  • Reports of the projects he/she is assigned to
  • Screenshots of the projects he/she is assigned to
  • Members and projects he/she is assigned to

Teams and Titles

You can organize your workspace based on both teams and job titles. You can apply those filters while viewing the real-time reports to analyze data per teams and titles.

What are teams?

You can easily create teams with drag and drop functionality. You will have all your team members in one central place from where you can drag and drop your selected members to corresponding teams.

Each member can be added to multiple teams, there is no limit for that.

What are titles?

Similarly you can group team members who have the same job title such as web developers, UI/UX designers etc. By doing so you will be able to view the information about your teammates in a much structured way.

Teams | WebWork Tracker


Who can invite a project viewer to observe the team work?

Only the owner is able to invite a project viewer.

Is there any limit for team’s membership?

No, there is no limit for team’s membership.

How many owners can be in one team?

There can only be one owner in each team.

Can a member switch from one member type to another?

Yes, the owner or executive manager can change the member type.

Organize Structural Teamwork with WebWork Time Tracker

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