Set hourly rates for contracts to mark them as billable

Billable Hours

Set an hourly rate to your contracts to mark them as billable. Get amount reports and generate invoices to get paid.

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Generate amount reports and invoices for payment
Convert tracked time into billed amounts by setting hourly rates

Amount Reports

Convert tracked time into billed amounts by setting hourly rates

If you’re working on an hourly rate, it will be a good idea to make your contracts billable by adding an hourly rate in the contract's settings.

By doing so your tracked time will be converted into an amount and you will be able to see the reports both in hours and amounts. Amount reports show the billed amount of each member by day, week or month.

Permissions to Financial Information

Access financial details and generate invoices
The owner is eligible to give visibility of the contract's rate to certain team members. You can set up the rate visibility from the member’s list.
Setting “Show hourly rate” will mean the member is able to see all financial information related to his/her contract and role permission.
If a member has no permission to financial information, he/she cannot view any kind of financial information, as well as is not able to generate invoices.
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Permissions for Hourly Rate | WebWork Tracker

Workspace Permissions

Financial Permissions for Member Types

Owner is eligible to set up the access of financial information on a workspace level.
Executive Manager
If the owner gives financial info permission to the executive manager, he/she will have access to rates of all contracts and projects of the workspace and all amount reports. He/she will be able to generate invoices for all projects, members and contracts.
Project Manager
If executive manager or the owner give financial permission to the project manager, he/she will have access to all contract rates of the projects that he/she is managing in the workspace, the amount reports of that projects and will be able to generate Invoices only for the projects that he/she manages, also the contracts (but not projects), where he/she has an employee role.
Setting “Show hourly rate” will make the employee's own contract rate and amount reports visible to him/her. Also employee will be able to generate invoices only for his/her contracts.
Project viewer
If you set “Show hourly rate” project viewers will be able to view the rates and amount reports.
Financial permissions for member types


Can I choose the currency for the generated amount?

Yes, you can choose your preferred currency from the drop-down list of profile settings.

Where can I view the amount reports?

You can find the amount reports on the timesheet reports page. You can view them both on hours and amounts.

How can I set an hourly rate?

You can go to members page from your dashboard, select your preferred contract and put an hourly rate for a certain team member.

Who can set an hourly rate?

The owner and also the executive manager if the owner gives permission to him/her.

Track Billable Hours with WebWork Time Tracker

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