Gone are the times when managers would stand over their employee’s shoulders to monitor their performance. Now, tools like Time Tracking Software do the job for you.
Monitoring and analyzing your employees’ working hours is much easier thanks to time tracking. But have you ever thought about investing in Time Tracking Software? Well, we have got 5 reasons to justify your potential investment. Let’s get into them now!

Social Media Time Waste

two people holding the icons of instagram and facebook in front of their heads
Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, you name it! There is so much going on social media. And your employees are going to check them, whether you want it or not. That’s right! 67% of workers regularly check social media while working. You wouldn’t want to pay someone for spending time on social media, would you?

Let me tell you that policies prohibiting social media usage while on the clock will not solve the problem. In fact, 77% of workers use social media at work, especially when prohibited.
Thus, investing in a time tracker would be the right choice for minimizing your employees’ wasted time on social media to zero.

Internet Surfing

Time Tracking Software
Other than spending time on social media, your employees spend lots of time surfing the internet.
The best part  is there are a lot of Internet Service Providers who you can contact and use the Internet without any buffering. Also, you can track your employees’ data, and you can even block some websites so that your employees can work instead of surfing the internet.
You will agree that you as well don’t notice how time flies when you are on the internet, right? Well, your employees also don’t notice how time passes and work remains undone while they open that one more page on the web.

This results in lots of wasted time that costs real money to you. Bummer! But. You can prevent that. By investing in time tracking software! Simple as that! Monitor your employees’ working time and screen, and you will be safe to go!

Manager Control Remotely

Time Tracking Software
Whenever on a business trip, or a holiday that puts you at a far distance from your employees and company, have you felt the struggle to keep up with everything that takes place in your business while you are away? We bet you have! It is a major struggle for many business owners.

Yet, with a time tracking software that is also an employee monitoring software, such as WebWork Time Tracker, you won’t have to worry about that again. No matter how far you are physicalyl, you can always keep an eye on your company operations and your employees’ work process remotely with ease!

Related:  How to Use WebWork Time Tracker (Part 1)

Idle Computer Time

Time Tracking Software
How do you know your employees are actually doing their work, even when they are logged in to their computers?
Maybe they have run off to another coffee break or hallway chat, living their computers idle for a long period of time, which actually can cost you money?
Well, you don’t! The sad truth.

Unless you use a time tracking software, you will never know how much of your time your employees actually spend on real work.

Overtime Data

Time Tracking Software
As normal and reasonable as it is, many companies like yours pay for overtime hours. But before paying those overtimes, you better have accurate data on how much overtime has been worked, and how much overtime has actually been spent on real work.

A Time Tracker is your friend here!

Yet, keep in mind that overtime increases not only from heavy workload but also from employee unproductivity, absences, idle computer time, or long periods of internet surfing. If you track that working time, you will no longer have time leaks! Let alone, paying for those time leaks as overtime! Hell no!

Also: Things You Can Do With WebWork Time Tracker (Part 2)

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