Have you ever wondered how your employees spend their working time? Do you feel the pressure to monitor them for ensuring maximum efficiency? Well, you have come to the right place! WebWork is the right choice of software for employee monitoring needs. It has many time-tracking and employee-monitoring features that you can use. As a result, you will boost your employees’ productivity every single day, hour, minute, and even second.

Let’s take a look at these 3 major reasons why WebWork is efficient for employee monitoring.

1. Time Tracking for Employee Monitoring

WebWork is originally a time tracking software, a  tool for tracking your employees’ time spent on work. If you are looking for reliance, you better not hesitate here! With WebWork Time Tracking software, you can always be aware of how productive your employees are, what exactly they spend their working hours, and know what you can improve. Handy reports on various aspects of their performance will help you keep your workforce more efficient.

2. Screenshots for Employee Monitoring

Besides being a time tracking software, WebWork is also a screen monitoring software. It incorporates a variety of flexible screenshot monitoring modes, enabling you to keep an eye on your employee’s screen activity. Do they spend time on social media? Any other non-work-related activities? Or, maybe on the work itself? You will have it all in front of you with WebWork’s periodic screenshots at your reach. For privacy concerns, you can always use the Blurred Screenshot mode.

3. Task Management for Remote Work

WebWork Time Tracker has a top-notch Task Management system. It is perfectly designed to assist you in efficiently managing your employees’ tasks. Creating, assigning, editing and deleting tasks are easy thanks to the simplicity and convenience of the task management system. And, you can see the history of pending, ongoing, completed and overdue tasks right in the tracker. It allows you to keep on track with your tasks easily, especially if you have a remote team.

While we’re at it, read about What’s New on WebWork: Team Chat and HR Tools.

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Employee Monitoring,