We all, for sure, are familiar with the true old saying “time is money.” That is right! Time can be a pretty expensive thing, especially for small businesses. Have you ever stopped for a moment and thought how your employees use every hour, every minute and even every second of its work time? Good news! You don’t have to actually think about it. A time tracking software can do that for you.

Time tracking can be very beneficial for small businesses in many ways. No matter the industry, time trackers are good at helping employers identify efficiency gaps.

Here are 3 key reasons why small businesses should consider installing a time tracking software:

Less Time Spent On Payroll with Time Tracking

Each day, week and month, HR managers, and even employees spend a lot of time recording, and processing worked hours for payroll calculation. Yet, with a Time Tracking Software, very little time is wasted on such activities. WebWork Time Tracker does it even automatically so no manual effort is wasted.

For the bottom line, both employees and employers, are satisfied!

Preventing Theft of Work Time

From taking long lunch breaks to having too many coffee breaks and sadden hallway chats, time theft brings huge losses to overall productivity and efficiency levels for a company. No matter if done on purpose or unintentionally, time theft can be very costly, which small businesses simply cannot afford.

Thus, a time tracking software is an absolute must for small businesses to prevent time theft, by identifying time-wasting activities and increasing employee efficiency.

Staying Compliant 

Regulations by state labor laws on employee overtime pay or record-keeping should be of major importance for small businesses. Manual time recording systems can make the calculation process very problematic, resulting in potential million dollar lawsuits. That is why, to stay compliant and avoid any legal nightmares, time tracking software solution is the best for small businesses.

Now, the decision is yours! Is it worth sleeping on the opportunity of embracing proper time management, given all the significant benefits it brings?

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