Have you ever felt overwhelmed with a load of tasks on a daily basis? We bet you have, just like most of us! No matter what industry and position you work in, you most likely have the responsibility to manage various tasks.

Some tasks may be urgent, and critically important, others maybe not that urgent but still equally important. There may also be tasks that are urgent but not important. Or you may have tasks not urgent and not important at the same time

Already confused, huh?

Here is where task management is of critical importance!

Task management is key to balancing your work and acquiring efficient results. Whether a task requires immediate attention or not, having a task management system in place will help you figure it out. Making a list of your tasks, prioritizing them in accordance with their significance and delegating some to increase efficiency is what task management is about.

Whether you rely on pen and paper, sticky notes, or use task management software, you are still doing it right. People are different, and so are their preferences and principles of doing things.

Yet, there are certain methodologies and online tools that are proven to be very efficient in helping you get tasks done efficiently.

Here we are to tell you about the best task management methodology, that has long won everyone’s hearts. It is Agile Kanban Methodology.

Agile Kanban Methodology

To make it clearer for you, let’s examine the methodology part by part.

The Term “Agile”

Let’s stats with the definition of the term “Agile”. What does it mean?

Seasoned software developers and technical project managers will define it as a set of principles and values that encourage breaking large portions of a project into smaller functional portions. And, your English teacher will most probably site the dictionary, i.e. agile is the ability to move quickly and easily.

So, which of the definitions is right?

Both of them!

The term “Agile” came along in 2001 when 17 independent-minded software developers created the Agile Manifesto: a set of values and principles for iterative software development, which aims to define behavior and culture rather than methods and processes. Now, the formal term “Agile” that many software developers use showcases quality and speed.

Agile Environment

Nowadays, the most common and productive way of task management is working in an Agile Environment. Coming from the Agile Manifesto philosophy, the key concept of an Agile Environment revolves around creating a culture that encourages all team members to work towards a common goal. Moreover, effective and quality collaboration is achieved by valuing every single interaction of team members.

Kanban System

While the market is saturated with different types of project and task management tools, Kanban has proven to be one of the simplest, most flexible, and most efficient tools. Agile teams adopt Kanban System, which breaks down work into manageable pieces and uses a Kanban Board to visualize the work process. The Kanban Board is especially loved by those people who are mainly focused on work-in-progress. It is like a vision board, visualizing work and optimizing the flow of the work among team members. It also encourages speed.

That was it! Task Management at its best with Agile Kanban Methodology.

As you saw, we broke the text into smaller pieces to make the explaining process easier to follow, more understandable, and thus more effective.

You get it now! That was a task for us too, and we managed it according to the agile methodology. Only, no Kanban Board here!

One more thing, though. We have got a bonus for you!

Task Management with WebWork Time Tracker

WebWork Time Tracker has an awesome Task Management system in place for you at your convenience. It allows you to create, assign, edit and delete tasks using simply designed task boards. Moreover, you can visually manage a task and see the history of completed, pending, overdue and ongoing tasks. Both Checkbox and Kanban boards are available, which will make your task management experience a pleasant and efficient one.

Check also: Time Tracking for Agile Software Teams

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