Keeping track of employee working time is a challenging thing to do whether you have a small or big business. Yet, it is very crucial for your organizational success!

Helping you to learn how your employees spend their time, what tasks they do and what effort they put in, employee time tracking makes sure you manage the levels of productivity and efficiency in your business operations. These benefits of employee time tracking are proven to bring substantial positive outcomes. According to a time tracking survey, employee time tracking  helps to improve data accuracy by 53% and productivity by 44%. It also reduces costs and increases revenue by 33%.

You optimize your working processes and save a lot of time, ultimately saving a lot of money.

Valuing those benefits that come along with employee time tracking, you should seriously consider practicing it. Yet, before getting down to it, remember that it is not an easy job to do. You need to get equipped with the knowledge and skills, required for making it work towards your organizational success.

Learn these 3 best practices of employee time tracking, in order to make the most out of it.

Are you ready? Time is ticking! Let’s go!

Explain to your employees

employee time tracking
Just like almost all changes in your company, the introduction to employee time tracking will most likely be resisted by some of your employees.

They may worry about why you want to track their work. Maybe, you don’t trust them, or you want to catch them doing something wrong? Or, maybe, you just enjoy being too bossy? Well, these “maybes” are all possible thoughts in their minds. And they can be very dangerous to your organizational success, if not treated properly beforehand.

Thus, the best thing to do here is to sit down with your employees and explain the real “why” behind your decision of tracking their working time.

Why are you implementing employee time tracking software?

Well, you want to make your organizational workflow more efficient and effective. You want your clients to be billed properly and your expenses kept at a minimum. You want your employees to be paid for what they deserve, maintaining a fair salary system.

What else do you have in mind as a reason for introducing an employee time tracking software? Tell them! Be open to them! Meanwhile, don’t forget to concentrate on the positive sides. Don’t tell them a reason like “I want to know what you’re spending time on instead of doing actual work”. Step into a diplomat’s shoes, and explain them the good reasons that will make them trust you and want to follow you.

Choose The Right Software

employee monitoring software
When it comes to implementing employee monitoring software, you better make sure you are using the right one. There are plenty of options out there, with a variety of features. You should do thorough research, and only after then, you will be able to choose the best tool for your business. Do you have a small business or a large one with different tiers of services? Or, maybe you are a freelancer, looking for a practical tool to track your own working time more efficiently? Well, set your choosing criteria according to your business needs to find the most appropriate one.

Here are some questions you would want to consider in your hunt for the best employee time tracking software:

  • Is it easy to use?
  • Does it have color coding?
  • Is it compatible with your device?
  • Is the system web-based?
  • What capacity of users does it offer?
  • Does it have a mobile version? Android? iOS?
  • What type of reporting system does it offer?
  • Demo?

Found a software that has the answers to these questions according to your own expectations? Great!

Only, one more thing:

  • The price. How much does it cost?

The price of the software is of crucial importance as well. While there may be very expensive options on the market, there are always the ones that offer the same features with lower costs. Thus, it’s your responsibility to do a thorough and find the most cost-effective solution to your employee time tracking needs. If you get lucky, you can even find the most affordable and comprehensive tool such as WebWork Time Tracker. Now, once you have already chosen your perfect employee time tracking software and started implementing it, don’t forget to train yourself and your employees how to use it properly.

You may also want to check out this article:  Why WebWork Is Efficient for Employee Monitoring

Learn From the Data

employee time tracking
There is no point in employee time tracking if you are not going to analyze the data and reflect upon it. Look out for inefficiency points. See if there are any certain tasks that slow your team down or if some employees struggle with time management. Analyze the tracked data and improve areas where there is a need for improvement. This is crucial for achieving maximum efficiency within your operational processes. In the end, operational changes based on real statistical interpretations are key to the success of any business. Also, using an Excel alternative can facilitate collaborative data analysis and streamline the process of identifying inefficiencies and making data-driven improvements in your business operations.

Moreover, use the data to experiment with new strategies. Try new things, see if they perform better or worse, and make changes if needed. In a constantly changing business environment, you should really keep in mind that sometimes change is not just necessary but vital to your organizational success.

Also: Top 3 Effective Ways of Employee Monitoring


Having these crucial tactics in mind, you will be able to practice employee time tracking in your business more effectively. The benefits of employee time tracking go hand-in-hand with increased productivity, saving time and money. After all, time is money, right? Also, employee time tracking will help you have a better understanding of what works and doesn’t work in the operational processes of your business. That is why, always spend more time and effort analyzing your employee time tracking tactics, to maximize the overall success of your organization. Good luck!

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