Without question, time tracking software is a very useful tool for managing your working time and productivity levels. And, there is a lot more usefulness in it, if you learn some tricks about maximizing the efficiency of time tracking usage.
Well, good news! We are now presenting you top 3 best practices on time tracking, that can garner amazing efficiency results. No matter whether you are a remote worker or a company with many employees, these practices will boost your time tracking usage. Here we go!

Attach More Activities to Projects

Attaching many activities to your projects makes the management of your time much easier. Meetings, emails, and similar activities regarding the project should be tracked within the project itself, not within administrative tasks. That is right!

No matter how administrative they may seem. This way, you will accurately know how much effort each project took, calculating the end profitability even more accurately.

Keep the Time Tracking Process Simple

If you are tracking time efficiently, you should pay serious attention to the structure and categories of your tasks. That, of course, depends on the level of details you want. Yet, you should be careful here, not to create a time tracking nightmare and waste some time in between.

Remember, the simpler process, the fewer the nightmares! Find a balance between accuracy and flexibility, and don’t track details you don’t actually need.

Set Working-Time Goals

Setting goals on how you want to spend your working time is a great idea! In the end, time is money, and you don’t want to waste any of both, do you? Go ahead and put some maximums and minimums of spending time on each task and activity. Meanwhile, avoid setting unrealistic goals too. For instance, spending 100% of working time on billable activities is actually far from reality. Plus it is counter-productive.

That was it! 3 easy-breezy practices to perfect your time tracking experience. Now, get on to work and don’t forget to track the hours!

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