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It is as crucial to keep an eye on your small recruitment agency as to develop one. Let’s take a look at a few major reasons why you should monitor your recruitment agency and how to go about it.

A remote recruiting agency is an agency that specializes in placing remote employees. It employs full-time, permanent remote workers.

 A small recruitment agency’s recruitment procedure is decentralized. The talent pool encompasses the entire globe and is not limited to a single region.

Monitoring the recruitment agency is essential because 29% of workers admit to having left a job within the first 90 days.

A remote employment firm can screen for specific talents and experience in time-efficient regions.

3 Reasons to Monitor Your Remote Recruitment Agency

The most important reason for monitoring the work process of your remote recruitment agency is that employees are prone to abusing business time. According to Privacy Policies:

  • 64% of your employees use company time and the internet for personal purposes
  • 25% of corporate internet usage is classified as not linked to work
  • Employees are responsible for 48% of the worst security breaches at large corporations

According to a survey by Privacy Policies, nearly 78% of employers prefer to monitor their employees.

While employee privacy is important, the effects of employee monitoring can be highly beneficial as well.

Here are the 3 reasons to monitor your remote recruitment agency:

1. Enhanced Safety

IT security, legal security, and employee security are all examples of security in a wide sense.

When it comes to phishing, business email compromise, and ransomware protection, the best course of action is to prevent  them first, which can  be done through employee monitoring. 

You must also protect your agency from lawsuits coming from employees accessing unauthorized websites and programs or engaging in any other illegal activity using a corporate property.

WebWork is the perfect choice for this purpose as it enables you to monitor employee app and web usage and ensure they are not wasting time or visiting malicious websites.

2. Less Time Wasted

According to a new survey by Workfront, employees in the United States spend only 39% of their time on primary duties, down from 45% just a few years ago.

59% of employees indicated that inefficient meetings obstruct their workflow, while 43% blamed their lack of productivity on excessive emails.

In the study, one out of every four office workers requested uninterrupted work time in order to boost their productivity. 

You can create such uniterrupted work time with the help of time tracking and time blocking tools.

With their help, you will better spot distractions and encourage a more productive atmosphere by passively monitoring employee behavior and deploying recruitment software.

3. Identification of High-Performing and Low-Performing Employees

To combat employee theft, a Dallas restaurant implemented a software that tracked every waiter, ticket, and dish.

The employee tracking process led to a promotion for a man named Jim Sullivan as it unveiled his high performance. When the restaurant built a new location, he was offered a management job because he had shown to be an excellent waiter.

Of course, the polar opposite of Jim Sullivan’s promotion is also possible.

Employee monitoring will enable you to identify employees who are continually underperforming and you can assist them to find the source of their poor performance.

How Can You Monitor Your Recruitment Agency Effectively?

Understanding how to monitor your team’s work process is equally crucial. Here are five suggestions for employee monitoring at your workplace.

1. Be Open & Honest About Surveillance Policies

Employee dissatisfaction is guaranteed if you monitor your agency without their consent.

By being open and honest about your surveillance rules, you are more likely to avoid any negative feelings arising from the monitoring program and promote mutual trust and honesty between you and your agency.

One such instance is that of an eCommerce software called Shift4Shop. They are transparent with their employees about how and why the company is watching their activities at work, what they can expect in the future, and what they can do to help them achieve their objectives.

2. Make a Presentation About Agency Monitoring

Inform your staff on the new workplace regulations to prevent loss in team morale and show them that you’re on their side. You can use presentation software to make this task easier on your end.

Explain how employee monitoring will benefit the company and, more crucially, how it will benefit your employees’ life at work.

Work with a commercial security camera installer and other similar professionals to choose appropriate equipment for your needs. Then introduce the tools you wish to use and create a few options for your staff to vote on which ones to use.

This makes it feel more like a collaborative, democratic decision rather than a top-down dictatorial decision. 

Instead of needing to impose employee buy-in, your employee monitoring program will be more successful if you get buy-in from the start.

3. Formalize Your Monitoring Policy

After you’ve sold the monitoring program, give your staff a formal policy detailing every facet of it and have them sign it.

Keep the following suggestions in mind while you develop the policy:

  • Write it in simple language, free of jargon and ambiguous phrases
  • Describe the monitoring system you’re employing, how the data collected will be used, and how long the data will be kept
  • Make it evident that you have an open-door policy
  • Include any legal provisions that are required

4. Keep Your Policies In Place

Examine the reports your monitoring program generates and any other relevant business reports after you’ve been watching the agency for two weeks or a month.

Has the conduct of your agency changed much since you adopted the employee monitoring program?

Take immediate action if there are any possible problems, such as negative behavior in individual personnel.

If concrete benefits are beginning to emerge, make them known to all employees and utilize them to demonstrate the effectiveness of remote agency monitoring.

5. Request Feedback

Requesting input from your staff will make them feel a lot more at ease with the new adjustments you’re implementing, and it may also help you enhance the program towards their needs.

Posting questions and soliciting input on your company’s intranet is probably the simplest way to get feedback from your agency.

Ask questions like:

  • What aspects of the program do you enjoy and dislike?
  • Is this program beneficial to the team as a whole? Why do you think that is?
  • What would you change about the program?

The answers to these questions will provide you with significant insight into their genuine feelings as well as suggestions for improving employee monitoring.

In Final Words

Employee monitoring offers benefits both for businesses and employees.

However, without some form of employee monitoring in today’s high-tech workplace, businesses may face considerable costs ranging such as employee resentment.

In the meantime, it provides such benefits as transparent remote work process, increased productivity, and better time management.

Start monitoring the work process of your remote recruitment agency now and see the positive results later.

Author bio:

Eli Franklin

author of remote recruitment agency monitoring article

Based out of Bloomington, Indiana, Eli Franklin completed her MBA at Kelley School Of Business. After a brief stint as a Recruiter at Wipro, she has since then been working as a Recruitment Specialist with Recruit CRM. She is regularly creating specialized content for recruiters and helping Recruit CRM hire aggressively. This is her LinkedIn.

Read also: Reasons Why Time Tracking Is So Important for SEO Agencies

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